mandag den 23. juli 2012

Time and courage in Lomé

E-mail from IN.:
"You are of course all very welcome here in Lomé. A guest room with air-con and mosquito net is waiting for those who have the time and courage!"

lørdag den 21. juli 2012

The best

E-mail from Sister N.:
"Praying that all works out for the best."

fredag den 6. juli 2012


E-mail from A.B.:
"I think that when Sartre and Heidegger and Focault and all the old homies were writing a lot of brainy stuff, it was a time when people could actually be unreachable."

søndag den 1. juli 2012

The same story

E-mail from DW.:
"I planned to spend the first two weeks of july only on my book. But now I accepted a payed project, which is a lot of work, so my plans again will not work out as I wanted. But the bills also have to be payed. Always the same story!!"

søndag den 24. juni 2012

Choice vs. Surrender

E-mail from D.
"Until you said that, I thought I knew love to be a choice as well.  My honest experience, though, is surrender."

onsdag den 16. maj 2012

Pats and slaps

E-mail from HH.:
"A pat on the shoulder, in the arse and a sweet little slap in the face from me."

tirsdag den 15. maj 2012


E-mail from JK. (who is not my cousin):
"Of course it's okay, cousin!
But damn, it hurts. But it's obvious that that's what you need and must do. But then, by f... hell, you have to come back again at full speed."